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Medieval Memoria Online | 1.6 Literature and websites

Medieval Memoria Online

1.6 Literature and websites

The literature indicated below is a selection of the available literature on the commemoration of the dead in the Middle Ages and only covers the period up to 2013. For an international bibliography until 2011, see Van Bueren, Ragetli and Bijsterveld, ‘Researching Medieval Memoria: Prospects and Possibilities’. For a bibliography on memoria research in the Netherlands, see Kim Ragetli, Viera Bonenkampovà and Martine Meuwese, Bibliography on Medieval Memoria Research for the Low Countries.


  • Angenendt, Arnold, ‘Theologie und Liturgie der mittelalterlichen Totenmemoria’ in: Karl Schmid and Joachim Wollasch (eds), Memoria. Der geschichtliche Zeugniswert des liturgischen Gedenkens im Mittelalter. Münstersche Mittelalterschriften 48 (Munich 1984) 80-199.
  • Bijsterveld, Arnoud-Jan A., Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries (Hilversum 2007).
  • Blockmans, Wim, Antheun Janse (eds), Showing Status: Representations of Social Positions in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout 1999).
  • Bueren, Truus van, and W.C.M. Wüstefeld, Leven na de dood. Gedenken in de late Middeleeuwen (Turnhout 1999).
  • Bueren, Truus van, and Fenna Visser, ‘De website Memoria in beeld. Een hulpmiddel bij het onderzoek van memorievoorstellingen’, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 23 (2009) 102-108 (with a case study of the triptych with the last Judgement and the Van Noordwijk family).
  • Bueren, Truus van, Kim Ragetli and Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, ‘Researching Medieval Memoria: Prospects and Possibilities. With an Introduction to Medieval Memoria Online (MeMO)’, Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis 14 (2011) 183-234.
  • Bueren, Truus van, ‘Het belang van tellen. Kwantitatief onderzoek naar middeleeuwse kunstwerken’, Article, themed volume: De Middeleeuwen 5 (2012, November) 14-18.
  • Bueren, Truus van, and S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, ‘De Geboorte van Christus door Jacob Corneliszn. De identificatie van de geportretteerde personen’, Oud Holland 125 (2012) 169-179 (including the importance of the configuration of the portraits). With an extensive summary in English.
  • Cohn, Samuel K., The Cult of Remembrance and the Black Death. Six Renaissance Cities in Central Italy (Baltimore and London 1992).
  • Damen, Mario, ‘Vorstelijke vensters. Glasraamschenkingen als instrument van devotie, memorie en representatie (1419-1519)’, Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis 8 (2005) 140-200.
  • Eck, Xander van, Christiane E. Coebergh-Surie and Andrea C. Gasten, ‘The stained-glass windows in the Sint Janskerk at Gouda. The works of Dirck and Wouter Crabeth’ in: Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. Netherlands, volume 2 (Amsterdam 2002) 79-85.
  • Geuenich, Dieter and Otto Gerhard Oexle (eds), Memoria in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters. Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 111 (Göttingen 1994).
  • Groot (ed.), Wim de, The Seventh Window. The King’s Window donated by Philip II and Mary Tudor to Sint Janskerk in Gouda (1557) (Hilversum 2005).
  • Oexle, Otto Gerhard, ‘Die Gegenwart der Toten’ in: Herman Braet and Werner Verbeke (eds), Death in the Middle Ages. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia series 1 studia 9 (Louvain 1983) 19-77.
  • Oexle, Otto Gerhard (ed.), Memoria als Kultur. Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 121 (Göttingen 1995).
  • Oexle, Otto Gerhard, ‘Mittelalterforschung in der sich ständig wandelnden Moderne’ in: Hans-Werner Goetz and Jörg Jarnut (eds), Mediävistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Stand und Perspektiven der internationalen und interdisziplinären Mittelalterforschung (Munich 2003) 227-253.
  • Schleif, Corine, Donatio et memoria. Stifter. Stiftungen und Motivationen an Beispielen aus der Lorenzkirche in Nürnberg (Munich 1990).
  • Schleif, Corine, ‘Forgotten Roles of Women as Donors: Sister Katerina Lemmel’s Negotiated Exchanges in the Care for the Here and the Hereafter’ in: Truus van Bueren and Andrea van Leerdam (eds), Care for the Here and the Hereafter. Memoria, Art and Ritual in the Middle Ages (Turnhout 2005) 137-154.
  • Schleif, Corine, ‘Men on the Right – Women on the Left: (A)symmetrical Spaces and Gendered Places’ in: Virginia Chieffo Raguin and Sarah Stanbury (eds), Women’s Space. Patronage, Place, and Gender in the Medieval Church (Albany NY 2005) 207-249.
  • Schleif, Corine, and Volker Schier, Katerina’s Windows. Donation and Devotion, Art and Music, as Heard and Seen Through the Writings of a Birgittine Nun (University Park PA 2009).
  • Velden, Hugo van der, ‘Diptych Altarpieces and the Principle of Dextrality’ in: John Hand and Ron Spronk (eds), Essays in Context: Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych (Cambridge and New Haven 2006) 124-155.
  • Weijert, Rolf de, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld and Jeannette van Arenthals (eds), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren, Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, CXXXVII (Hilversum 2011).


See chapter 6 for a general overview of the literature and websites mentioned in these introductory texts.